Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform LTS 2015 7.10

Component org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.commandline.executor.service.CommandLineExecutorComponent


The CommandLineExecutor component let you define command line call using the command extension point. You can call those commands with your own arguments like blobs or properties. The result is available in the ExecResult object.


Class: org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.commandline.executor.service.CommandLineExecutorComponent


Extension Points

XML Source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.commandline.executor.service.CommandLineExecutorComponent">
  <implementation class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.commandline.executor.service.CommandLineExecutorComponent" />

    The CommandLineExecutor component let you define command line call using the command extension point.
    You can call those commands with your own arguments like blobs or properties. The result is available
    in the ExecResult object.
    @author Thierry Delprat (

    <provide interface="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.commandline.executor.api.CommandLineExecutorService" />

  <extension-point name="environment">
      Extension point to contribute environment configuration.

      Available options are:
      - name: comma-separated string attribute used as the environment parameters scope.
      It can be empty to set environment parameters common to all commands, equal to a command name to set parameters
      for that command only, or equal to a command line to set parameters common to all commands using that command line.
      You can associate multiple commands using a comma as separator.

      - workingDirectory: the Folder when command should be executed. Default is the system temporary folder.

      - parameters/parameter

      @author Thierry Delprat (

      CommandLine contribution
        <environment name="aCommandName,aCommandLine">
            <parameter name="SOME_VAR">some value</parameter>
    <object class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.commandline.executor.service.EnvironmentDescriptor" />

  <extension-point name="command">
      Extension point to contribute new commands.

      Available options are:
      - name: string attribute used as the command identifier.

      - enabled: boolean attribute, command is unavailable if false.

      - commandLine: the command to execute.

      - parameterString: the parameters to pass to the command. Parameters like #{parameter} represents a file. So you
      can use either a path to a file or a blob. Parameters like %parameters are literals.

      - winParameterString: Same as above but used in windows environments. For instance you have to use double quotes
      in windows instead of simple quote.

      - winCommand: command to execute specifically for windows. Use commandLine is WinCommand is null;

      - tester:  name of the CommandTester. The CommandTester defined in commandTester extension point. Default is
      SystemPathExistTester, which looks if the command is available in system Path.

      - readOutput: Boolean, default is true. If false, command output is never read.

      - installationDirective: a String that is returned instead of the usual output when the command isn't available.

      CommandLine contribution example:
        <command name="myCommand" enabled="true">
          <parameterString> -any -parameters '%specific' %parameters #{blobOrPath}</parameterString>
          <winParameterString> -any -parameters "%specific" %parameters " #{blobOrPath}</winParameterString>
          <installationDirective>You need to install commandName.</installationDirective>

      @author Thierry Delprat (
    <object class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.commandline.executor.service.CommandLineDescriptor" />

  <extension-point name="commandTester">
      Extension point to contribute new command testers.
      It's a class that provides a way to test if a command is installed on the target server OS.

      Available options are:
      -name: the name of the commandTester.

      -class: the class
      implementing CommandTester interface.

      Command tester contribution example:
        <commandTester name="SystemPathTester"

      @author Thierry Delprat (
    <object class="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.commandline.executor.service.CommandTesterDescriptor" />
